Settings YAML

The settings.yaml configuration file contains the settings osabe needs to read and play audio files. The settings of this file are enuemrated below.

Note: the application treats any WAV data measuring below the decibel level specified in the threshold-in-dB-down setting as silence.

Setting Value Range Default Value Required Description
audio-driver String null No This optional setting tells the application which audio-driver to use for audio playback. On OS X or Linux the default value should be fine, but on Windows you'll likely want this to be "directsound".
default-view-span-in-seconds Positive numbers 20 No The number of seconds of the waveform to display in the editing widget when a WAV file is loaded.
If this value is not set, the whole file will be displayed.
file-version Specific string beta Yes This setting tells osabe what version the settings file is. For versions 0.8.X thru 0.10.X of the application this should always be "beta".
max-intraclip-silence-in-ms Non-negative numbers 50 Yes The maximum number of milliseconds of silence in a row that can be part of a clip; if this number of milliseconds is exceeded then the silence is considered part of a new gap.
playback-buffer-sample-count Powers of 2 greater than zero 1024 Yes The number of WAV samples that should be sent to the sound card at a time.
threshold-in-dB-down Negative numbers -60 Yes The level in dBFS below which a sample is considered "silence" by osabe.
This value should be your noise floor.

Style YAML

The style.yaml configuration file contains information about the visual style and layout of the application.

We won't enumerate all of the possible settings of this file here, only give a few notes so that you can play around with them.

Most of the settings in this file are colors, and these can be specified in a number of ways:

These formats are close to what's used by HTML and CSS, so there should be plenty of information about them online and even color pickers you can use to find the colors you want.

As you're tweaking this file, you can test out your changes by dragging and dropping the style file into the application -- it will recreate the UI when you do. In order for osabe to recognize a file you drop as a style file, the name of the file must end with the word "style" (and have the .yaml extension, of course).

Once you've tweaked the style file to your satisfaction, an application restart is recommended before continuing to use the app like normal.